What is Every Nation Seminary?
For over twenty-five years, Every Nation’s mission to establish churches and campus ministries in every nation has hinged on its ability to raise up and send out Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered, and socially responsible leaders into every nation.
From Every Nation
Our students not only have the opportunity to learn from a diverse faculty but also from a diverse student body. Each global MA cohort is selected from pastors, campus missionaries, and cross-cultural missionaries from five continents.
For Every Nation
For much of the academic year, you remain in your local context. Coursework applies to whatever learners encounter in local vocational ministry, whether you are a senior pastor in Berlin, a campus missionary in Cincinnati, or a cross-cultural missionary in Armenia.
Is ENS for Me?
Though we are open to non-Every Nation applicants, Every Nation Seminary is built for Every Nation vocational ministers (church planters, pastors, campus missionaries, and cross-cultural missionaries).
Program Overview
Our initial program at Every Nation Seminary is a Master of Arts in Theology and Mission and is accredited by the Asia Theological Association.
Every program and every course is relational, biblical, apostolic, and global.
Relational Discipleship
Grow in making biblically-formed disciples.
Biblical Preaching
Develop a transformational preaching ministry.
Apostolic Leadership
Learn to serve Christ’s church through visionary leadership.
Global Mission
Exemplify a biblical theology of mission.
Before being admitted to Every Nation Seminary, all students must demonstrate that they have completed Leadership 215, either online, through a local church, or in a regional school of ministry.
Our faculty is a global team of veteran Every Nation pastors and missionaries who hold doctoral degrees in biblical studies, theology, and missiology.
Academic Calendar
A Master of Arts in Theology and Mission at ENS takes three years to complete. The term and course dates below are tentative and are subject to change.