Our faculty consists of a global team of veteran Every Nation pastors and missionaries who hold doctoral degrees in biblical studies, theology, missiology, practical theology, and leadership.
Ernie Aragon, Jr.
Instructor of Biblical Studies
Ministry: Pastor, Victory Los Baños; Research & Development Pastor, ENLI
Education: MDiv, Philippine Baptist Theological Seminary; ThM, Grace School of Theology; ThD student, Asia Baptist Graduate Theological Seminary
Field(s): Biblical Studies
Elaine Bernius
Professor of Biblical Studies
Ministry: Professor of Old Testament, Indiana Wesleyan University
Education: MPhil, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion; PhD, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion
Field(s): Old Testament
Rice Broocks
Professor of Evangelism and Apologetics
Ministry: Cofounder, Every Nation
Education: MA, Reformed Theological Seminary; DMiss, Fuller Theological Seminary
Field(s): Evangelism, Missiology
Manny Carlos
Professor of Discipleship
Ministry: Bishop, Victory Philippines
Education: MBA, University of Virginia; DMin, Asbury Theological Seminary
Field(s): Homiletics, Leadership
Jun Escosar
Professor of Missiology
Ministry: Member of the Bishops Council of Every Nation Philippines
Education: MA, Asian Theological Seminary; DMiss, Asian Graduate School of Theology
Field(s): Missiology
Bruce Fidler
Professor of Biblical Studies
Ministry: Equip Pastor, Bethel World Outreach Church, Brentwood, TN & Leadership 215 Global Manager
Education: MA, Regent College; PhD Candidate, Regent University
Field(s): New Testament, Pneumatology, Systematic Theology
Tom Jackson
Professor of Theology and Mission
Ministry: Senior Pastor, Centrepoint Church (Bathgate, Scotland)
Education: MA, Nazarene Theological College, Manchester; PhD, University of Manchester
Field(s): Missiology, Practical Theology, Systematic Theology
Adam Mabry
Professor of Biblical Studies and Theology
Ministry: Lead Pastor, Aletheia Church Boston, MA
Education: MA, Reformed Theological Seminary; ThM, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary; DMin, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary; PhD, the University of Aberdeen
Field(s): New Testament, Pneumatology, Systematic Theology
Greg Mitchell
Professor of Discipleship and Pastoral Theology
Ministry: Senior Pastor, Every Nation Vancouver, BC
Education: MA, Regent College; Diploma of Christian Counseling, Burnaby Christian Counseling Group; DMin, Northwest Graduate School of Ministry
Field(s): Discipleship, Practical Theology
Steve Murrell
Professor of Discipleship and Leadership
Ministry: President, Every Nation
Education: DMin, Asbury Theological Seminary
Field(s): Homiletics, Leadership
William Murrell
Dean of Academics and Professor of Church History
Ministry: Launch Director, Every Nation Seminary
Education: MSt, University of Oxford; PhD, Vanderbilt University
Field(s): Church History, History of World Religions
Nixon Ng
Dean of Administration and Professor of Preaching
Ministry: Director, Every Nation Leadership Institute
Education: MS, De La Salle University; DMin, Asbury Theological Seminary
Field(s): Homiletics, Leadership
Brian Taylor
Professor of Preaching
Ministry: Lead Pastor, Every Nation Cincinnati, OH
Education: MA in Intercultural Studies (Church Planting) and DMin, Asbury Theological Seminary
Field(s): Homiletics, Practical Theology
Keith Tower
Professor of Leadership
Ministry: Senior Pastor, HighPoint Church Orlando, FL
Education: MS, Indiana University in Counseling; PhD Candidate, Concordia University, Organizational Leadership
Field(s): Counseling, Leadership, Pastoral Ministry
Seth Trimmer
Professor of Biblical Theology
Ministry: Lead Pastor, Grace City Church Corvallis, OR
Education: MA, Western Seminary; DMin, Multnomah Biblical Seminary
Field(s): Biblical Theology, Practical Theology
Dave Ward
Professor of Preaching
Ministry: Senior Associate Pastor, Bethel World Outreach Church, Nashville, TN
Education: MDiv, Asbury Theological Seminary; PhD, Princeton Theological Seminary
Field(s): Homiletics, Practical Theology
Myra Watkins
Instructor of History of Missional Movements
Ministry: Missions and Outreach Director, Trinity Prague Christian Community
Education: MA, Asbury Theological Seminary; PhD Candidate, Asbury Theological Seminary
Field(s): Missiology, Church History, Practical Theology
Kevin York
Professor of Leadership
Ministry: Executive Vice President, Every Nation Churches & Ministries
Education: MA, Asbury Theological Seminary
Field(s): Leadership, Mission
Program Overview
Our initial program at Every Nation Seminary is a Master of Arts in Theology and Mission.
Academic Calendar
A Master of Arts in Theology and Mission at ENS takes three years to complete.